Saturday, September 27, 2008

A Story of Two Bracelets.

Two mothers gave their bracelet. One gave it in hopes of victory. The other in hopes for a change. Both shared an abiding love for a son, and faith in their country.

A life in this world is precious and irreplaceable. A soldier's life is the same. They serve brilliantly and do whatever they are asked. The real question in Iraq is in our troops. Are we serving them the same they serve us?

War should be the last resort of any president. Never should a government be so reckless and uncaring about how it sends its soldiers as this administration has been. This mistake should be one we learn from.

Make no mistake. Our soldiers will not die in vain. They never die in vain. Acting with honor, pride, and faith for their country, our leaders should do the same. They need to have the courage to act on reasonable intelligence and unwavering certainty. Lives are unreplaceable. Let's hope the next president gets it right.

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